Monday, May 18, 2009


Last month Jake and I had the chance to sneak off to Cancun for 5 days. It's a use or lose on his time off work, so we didn't want them to go to waste. Luckily we timed it to come home right before the big swine flu outbreak. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort right in the heart of Cancun. It was perfect! We shopped a little, ate a ton, and just beached it mostly. One day we took a tour to Tulum to see the ruins. It was really cool. We also went to Xel-ha which is an ecological park. You could spend all day there and not see it all. We snorkeled, road bikes, ate, floated the bay, and Jake did some cliff jumping. It was an amazing place. Our time in Mexico felt way too short when we had to leave, but it was the perfect get away while it lasted!

My big baby bump!

With five restaurants on site we had plenty of delicious dining options each night


The George's said...

I expected to see a big baby bump, come on this is number 3. Looking good and what a fun trip.

Melanie Peterson said...

You sucka! Look at all that sun.

Tyson and Heather said...

Ahhhh, how fun! You stayed at The Golden Paranassus right?! Thats where we stay, we love that place--totally chill, great location, good food. I wanna try out Tulum, that sounds so fun! So glad you got to go soak up some sun!